The documentary "Cannabis," directed by Mathieu Kassovitz and Antoine Robin, delves deeply into the issue of cannabis legalization worldwide. Over the course of a year, the directors traveled to various countries that have chosen to adopt more lenient cannabis laws, including Morocco, Spain, the Netherlands, Canada, and Thailand.
10 Episodes
CANNABIS : Kassovitz s'infiltre sur un point de deal
Season 1Episode 1
Episode 1 of the documentary series "Cannabis," directed by Mathieu Kassovitz and Antoine Robin, focuses on the situation in France, a country where cannabis laws are among the most repressive in Europe, despite having a very high consumption rate.
CANNABIS : Une utilisation médicale possible ? Kassovitz enquête
Season 1Episode 2
Episode 2 of the documentary series "Cannabis," directed by Mathieu Kassovitz and Antoine Robin, continues the exploration of the French situation regarding cannabis.
CANNABIS : Kassovitz rencontre les producteurs cachés de Ketama
Season 1Episode 3
Episode 3 of the documentary series "Cannabis," directed by Mathieu Kassovitz and Antoine Robin, explores the situation of cannabis in Morocco.
CANNABIS : Kassovitz en intervention maritime avec la douane espagnole
Season 1Episode 4
Episode 4 of the documentary series "Cannabis," directed by Mathieu Kassovitz and Antoine Robin, focuses on the situation of cannabis in Spain.
CANNABIS : Kassovitz rencontre le "roi de la weed" à Amsterdam
Season 1Episode 5
In Episode 5 of the documentary series "Cannabis," directed by Mathieu Kassovitz and Antoine Robin, the focus is on the Netherlands.
CANNABIS : Qui fournit les coffee d'Amsterdam ? Kassovitz enquête
Season 1Episode 6
Episode 6 of the documentary series "Cannabis," directed by Mathieu Kassovitz and Antoine Robin, continues the exploration of the Netherlands.
CANNABIS : Kassovitz visite une usine d'herbe légale
Season 1Episode 7
In Episode 7 of the documentary series "Cannabis," directed by Mathieu Kassovitz and Antoine Robin, the exploration continues in Canada.
CANNABIS : Kassovitz rencontre des Mohawks consommateurs d'herbe
Season 1Episode 8
In Episode 8 of the documentary series "Cannabis," directed by Mathieu Kassovitz and Antoine Robin, the exploration continues in Canada, this time highlighting the Mohawk community.
CANNABIS : Kassovitz interview le Premier ministre du Canada, Justin Trudeau
Season 1Episode 9
In Episode 9 of the documentary series "Cannabis," directed by Mathieu Kassovitz and Antoine Robin, the team concludes its exploration in Canada.
CANNABIS : Kassovitz confronte un opposant à la légalisation
Season 1Episode 10
In Episode 10 of the documentary series "Cannabis," directed by Mathieu Kassovitz and Antoine Robin, the team travels to Thailand to conclude their investigation into cannabis legalization around the world.